
United Nations, September 21: Tajik President EmomaliRahmon on Wednesday called on the international community to provide more humanitarian aid for Afghanistan.
Security, stability and regional cooperation in Central Asia are directly linked with the situation in neighboring Afghanistan. Yet Afghanistan continues to face a difficult political, economic and social situation, Rahmon told the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.
In this challenging time, Tajikistan reaffirms its commitment to continue providing humanitarian assistance and its infrastructure as well as six bridges on the border to support the Afghan people, he said.
"Taking this opportunity, I would like to once again appeal to the international community to increase the volume of humanitarian aid to the suffering people of Afghanistan," Rahmon said.
Tajikistan continues to consider the establishment of intra-Afghan dialogue and the creation of a truly inclusive government with the participation of representatives of all peoples, nationalities and political and social groups as an important ground for achieving lasting peace and genuine stability in Afghanistan, said the president.
Tajikistan reiterates that the response to the growing threats of terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking and other global modern threats and challenges must be comprehensive. Efforts should also be focused on preventing the use of the Internet for radicalization, recruitment, and propaganda of extremism and violence.
Rahmon called for mutual understanding between different cultures and religions.
Manifestations of discrimination, racial and religious hostility are unacceptable. These actions, as well as the politicization of religious issues, undermine the very essence of the international community, he said.
Insulting religious sentiments, hatred and violence against any religion or belief have tragic consequences, he added.
"We believe spreading the values of tolerance and peace is the best way to confront hate speech, fanaticism, extremism, violence, and incitement. Let us stand united against actions that seek to divide us and instead work toward a world where mutual respect and recognition are the cornerstones of our global society," said the president.
Source: Xinhua